Lack of Sleep Can Hurt Health and Fitness
Many people are so busy that sleep is the last thing on their minds. Many people work long hours and cut out sleep time in order to have more time for fun activities. Getting enough sleep can greatly affect a person’s overall health and fitness. The body needs enough sleep to recuperate from stressful daily activities. Not getting enough sleep can be harmful both mentally and physically. Even if a person exercises regularly, not getting enough sleep can wipe out the benefits of exercising. Lack of sleep is also associated with numerous other health problems including weight gain, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.Many times when people do go to bed they can not relax enough to fall asleep. There are a few things people can do to help them sleep better and improve their health and fitness. If possible people, that have trouble resting, should avoid caffeine. Caffeine takes a long time to metabolize, therefore the affects of caffeine can last a long time. This means that if someone has caffeine in the early afternoon, it could still have an effect on their ability to fall asleep late at night. People, who are having trouble sleeping, should avoid drinking alcohol. Even Though alcohol can make you tired, many times people who drink it wake up a few hours later and can not fall back asleep.There are a few other things people can do to get more sleep and improve their health and fitness. People, who are having trouble sleeping, should keep their room complete dark or as close to completely dark as possible. Not watching TV before bed will help keep the mind from becoming overstimulated. Not having a TV in the bedroom is the best way to resist the temptation to watch it before falling asleep. Many people find that listing to relaxation Cd’s, while they are in bed, helps them get a restful nights sleep. Keeping a journal and writing down thoughts before bedtime is another way to relax before falling asleep.If people try these things and are still worried about their health and fitness due to lack of sleep they should make an appointment to see their doctor. Their doctor can double check to make sure they are not taking any medication that could be keeping them awake. A doctor might also make suggestions on some vitamins or supplements to take to help them relax and sleep peacefully.